Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 508 'one' last post

My Dearest Vicki
What can I say...I miss her. More than anyone can imagine. It is with utmost sadness that I post Victoria's last entry for her. I am nowhere near the author she was.

I have watched her fight this battle for over two years. She was the strongest person that I have ever met. She was always upbeat and positive, right to the end. I was there with her all the time. I went with to to the ER when she went. I went to her Dr's appointments when she went. I was with her at every chemo treatment she had. I helped her with her meds, with her food, with her infusion pump for her chemo. I helped her dress and I tried to make her feel better whenever I could. I loved her, and she knew it! I wish that there was more that I could have done for her.

Family matters most
There was only one Vicki on this earth, and somehow I was the lucky one that was matched up with her. She accomplished so much in her short life. I will be happy if I can do just a fraction of what she has done. Do a google search for her name sometime might be surprised. She was always a person who wanted to do things for people, never asking for anything in return.

The last thing she gave was her eyes. They were donated to the Eye Bank of BC, probably the only thing that a person with cancer is able to donate. I received a thank you from Vancouver Hospital yesterday, they said Vicki's eyes would go to help two people.

 'one' amazing ladybug
On Thursday Dec. 1, Cindy and I were by Vicki's bed in the hospital and saw something amazing. On the bed beside her pillow was a ladybug. It was just sitting ther, and then moved down onto the bedframe below the head of her mattress. I took a picture with my phone. None of us could figure out how this ladybug got to be in her room, and onto her bed. Remember, we were on the fifth floor, there are no windows that open, you have to come into the hospital on the ground, go down the hall, up the elevator, and then down another hallway to reach her ward, through the doors and to the right, to the end of the hall and then left into her room. This was one amazing ladybug. Too bad it wasn't purple! Was there some kind of message here?

Ray and Vicki forever
Vicki went into the hospital on the afternoon of Sunday, November 27, and was there until she left us on Tuesday December 6, at about 9:50 PM. Crystal, Cindy and I were there holding her hands and in tears. It was a nice to finally see her out of pain. No words can describe what she meant to us.

I miss you Vicki, and we WILL  be together again. Pick a nice spot for us. Thanks.........Ray

Day 495 - 'one' late return..(even posted late)

Yes, that's what this is. I wonder if that is what google blogger will do for me just like the local library does.  Than I would owe around $9.00, sheesh, lazy bones eh?

As you can guess the last month has been a struggle with my health.  Days are spent trying out new drugs to help me deal with the pain, now that that has been figured out we are focusing in my digestive system that doesn't seem to be working.  Ah what fun.  Such an education I am getting figuring how everything works...yuck! There are days that I look 5 or 6 months preggers and then there's the old lady arms.  Boy I thought I had waggy arms before but these arms could now flag down a cop!  You wonder at times what you were complaining about. 

But you know everyone seems to have something to whine about.  Right now walking for me is only by walker, but as least I can do it.  Lifting objects is dangerous because everything seems to slip out of my hands.  We are hoping that with exercise that the muscles that I have not used for ahile will gain back there strength.  So the next time you wonder why your body is fighting all the things you love to do remember that tomorrow you may not be able to do it, yep, maybe!  Because for some, tomorrow it will not!

signed one purple ladybug trying to do the best she can.  It may not be monumental but I'm trying ;-) And with the help of my angels and that shall include my hubby who is and girls to purple ladybug sit with me and shall have confidence that they stand in front, beside and behind me every step of the way. 


It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.