Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 345 - 'one' potato, two potato

All pretty again thanks to my helpers!
three potato four! Ahhh the games we play in our minds.  How we can take a simple thing, make it complicated, stressful and just take the fun out of it!  My hormones seem to be going crazy the last few days and melt downs seem to be a daily occurrence...
  You know you think you've got it all together and then bam! you feel crappy, talk cranky and react badly to such silly things. 

I'm think'n that I'm going to blame my new pain pills.  I was taking them every 4 hours and now they've got me on one that is once every 12 hours.  Something sure seems off balance the last few days. 

See my helpers...they worked so hard!
Tomorrow is round number 13 of chemo.  I had my blood tests done yesterday and my white blood count is still great.  Although my platelets seem to be plummeting every two weeks.  I have now gone under the 'normal' range so I can imagine that will be something we start to watch closely.  Your platelets in simple terms keep your blood thick.  So right now I bruise very easily and need to be careful that I don't cut myself.  I also need to get my hinny in gear and eat some more green vegies.  I've been eating lots of fruit the last month so now I need to swing back the other way and get that balance going. I also need to stay away from processed food and sugars.  That's not too hard but I admit to having a yummy chocolate bar way too often.  oopps!

Halcie's new Mama made backpack!
As you know Ray and I try to play cards together each day.  It helps us relax and joke around alot. I asked Ray the other night when we were playing cards...'So why do I have to go through all this constant change and you just get to sit and watch?' Then his good come back was ' I have to constantly adjust to these endless changes' sheesh! Too funny! I wish I could have great come backs like that! My face and tummy hurt from laughing so hard.

Richard venturing out for his first steps.
Jacob taking care of Dudley and
Claire trying to keep was very
cold and windy!
Today is exciting because we are having one of our birthday bashes.  We are celebrating 4 little one's and one adult in the family.  They are so much fun.  We try to keep it simple, life is complicated enough for each of us thank you very much.  Grilled hot dogs, munchies and blueberry trifle is on the menu.  I don't need to worry about whether the dusting is done, all they want to do is have fun, hang out and see everyone happy, happy.  I wish everyone thought that way and did not judge so much on what your house looks like and whether you have taken the time to capture the latest run away dust bunny or tumble weed as I call them. We will concentrate on today and not worry about the future or even tomorrow.  Gosh...having family is wonderful!!!

So don't you worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself.  Enjoy the sun, the birds chirping, the joy of having friends and family near and of course just 'being you'.  Cause you know that 'you are the best' right?
Yep, you are the best!!!

signed 'one' hormonal purple ladybug

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It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.