Yep, that's what I was, one nut high in the air. No, not high on air, well maybe. LOL
Today all the stars were aligned for Ray and I to have what we call an 'adventure day'. He was not working, I had some energy, my legs were working, nausea under control, I had no gizmo attached, the sun was shining, it didn't break the bank to do, woohoo and off we go. We went to the UBC Greenheart Canopy Walkway at the botanical gardens in Vancouver...
We arrived thinking we had to take a tour but they said we could go on our own if we wanted to. Yeah!! So off we went for a hike to reach the starting point of the walkways. Flowers, flowers everywhere flowers to look at as we wandered towards the forest. Then through a big cedar door and low and behold there they were. Cables and wires attached everywhere and a foot wide metal walkways hanging here and there with huge platforms in between each walkway.
I learned quickly that walking one foot gently in front of the other was the best method to keep things from bouncing to and fro but soon I found Sir Raymond creating quite a bounce on the walkway with each and every step he took. I was so glad there wasn't another 10 people up there with us to help get the walkway moving. Mind you having the weight of a few more people may have kept it steadier, I will never know. What fun though. Some walkways we did together and others we did on our own. We admired the forest at each platform and one even went up two floors.
As we arrived at the last platform both of us agreed we were tired and glad we missed the tour so we could enjoy the fun all on our own. I can tell you it was nice to feel normal for a little bit and forget that my next chemo treatment is a few days away and some big decisions will be coming in a couple weeks, that is if we get to make some decisions or perhaps they will be made for us.
For now its nice to enjoy the weather, putter in the garden, plan survivor camp, learn a new hobby, work on my videos and spend as much time as I can with well 'you-know-who'. Life is good, it doesn't need to be earth shattering, it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be relaxing and fun. So all you grumpy people stay home and enjoy your own company cause there is going to be a revolution against the 'grumpies' out there! At least I can dream...LOL
signed 'one' hanging from the tree tops purple ladybug
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