I was doing some reading this AM and began to think about how much the body controls the brain and the brain controls the body. When your body doesn't feel well it messes with the thoughts in your brain and when your brain is thinking messy thoughts your body responds to not feel well either.
Then I was thinking about which is better, is it better to ignore the aches and pains or accept them and adjust your life. It seems to be an individual thing or perhaps something that gets decided depending on the day.
I think as a society we have become ignorers. We ignore that we don't have enough money for things, so we purchase them anyways. We ignore small aches and pains in our body until the issue is hard to fix. We ignore signs of our relationships having problems until an argument ensues or something worse.
But perhaps if we accept things as they are we feel defeated, out of control. If we ignore that things are not as perfect as we want them to be then we are controlling our lives. Is that true?
oose control. If we accept how many $ we actually have then we are living within our means and actually taking control of our money. If we accept our health as it is and make adjustments in our lives to reflect what our bodies are telling us it needs then we have taken responsibility for our lives and get control of our health before it gets out of control. If we listen to the small things in our relationships we can perhaps avoid the blow ups and unforgivables.
I am trying to be the later but so far I am successful only on certain days. I must change my brain thinking that having control means that you ignore and push through. That's what I've done in the past and I question if that was the best for 'me'. Somehow I will find the balance depending on the day when I need to 'pay attention' to what my body and brain are trying to tell me or the day when I need to 'ignore' the issues and just push through.
signed 'one' purple ladybug who's learning what controlling your life is really means!
ReplyDeletegrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
The God part could come out for any non-religious types but the rest still holds true. The trick appears to be knowing the difference.
What we worry about or deal with on any given day will control that day. Is important to YOU, is the only criteria needed. If outside forces are using up your energy and day, eliminate or deal with them as soon as possible, and move on. Each of us has different needs, at different times, an all encompassing rule for life is too confining and creates deadly stress when we can't modify when we need to. We are what we think, not too easy to accept but true in reality. Each day take a moment to make conscious decisions. Slowly, things will correct themselves with faith in ourselves, and those around us. Only we know what is right for us, listen to that voice, the need to control the future will be less important. Control today as much as possible to suit the day, the rest can wait 'till it gets here. All the worrying and planning cannot foresee what lays ahead, there is plenty to make us happy today, take the time to enjoy it. Hugs,...Papabear