All is good in 'Vicki' land ;-). Got to see some of my hubbies family tonight, they are the BEST! So caring and easy going, it's great we all get along so well.
I spent the day putting major work into my project. There is no way I could have gotten this part done with my hubbies muscles...
As things go when you build, there were last minute changes and a run to Ray's favorite place Home Depot.
As things go when you build, there were last minute changes and a run to Ray's favorite place Home Depot.
Today I also had a brain wave. I've been trying to figure out how to put all the things people sent me together or in a place where I can look at them anytime I want or need to. Brainwave = I will be making a scrapbook out of them. Not the new kind of scrapbook the old kind. With handwritten notes and will be similar to a journal so that on days when I'm feeling down I can look at all the thoughtful things people sent me...the cards, notes, verses and positive words to just name a few. I will be titling my scrapbook 'It's a Wonderful Life.' Yep it is!!!
Tomorrow I will begin to do the detail work on my project, it's the fun stuff now. We are hoping that raccoons or skunks will not think we are creating a home just for them. LOL
signed 'one' purple ladybug
Date shakes are the best!Mmmm. I should try that for my iron issues. Thanks.
Yes the spinach would be good for your iron issues. So banana, 1 to 2 dates, 1/2 cup spinach and 1 cup almond milk. So unbelievably yummy.