Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

'one' record playing over and over again

yummy crab for dinner last night
You know records...those black plastic things that go round and round and play music.  I have one that keeps playing the same song over and over in my brain for years and years, that's why it's a record not a dvd...
cause it's an OLD tune that's play'n.

What's the tune you ask? It's "you're too fat, little girly, you're too fat!"

What a year for my body.  It's gone through a lot. First I loose a ton of weight and now it's all coming back.  I knew that my weight was going to be an issue soon but since I was eating so much healthy food I was thinking that was more of a priority.  Well I can't win, eat healthy and I STILL gain lots of weight.  It's like my body wants to be heavy and there's nothing I can do about it.

The worst of it all is when you feel really good and the Dr. tells you to cut down on your food intake or pump up your exercise.  Seriously? I feel really good how can it be that I need to adjust ANYTHING! 

But all this drama is because that old song starting playing in my know "you're too etc".  That song has been easily playing in my mind for so many years it was amazing how it all came back so quickly.  Too quickly.

Dudley's new toy is as big as him!
So yes, I need to watch my weight.  NO, I will not cut back on my healthy food, YES, I will up my exercise.  Perhaps I will do some more Tai Chi.  But of all things I don't need to worry about is my silly weight. So many more important things. Like hmmmm...making things with my BIG crochet hook.  I love that thing.  Besides it's better that I am gaining weight than loosing.  The 'c' is not sucking out my nutrients, I am going to SMOTHER that sucker with fat! woohoo

My new record will be playing "take that you sucker, I've got fat and you will suffer.  Take my body, I think not, besides with rolls of fat, my hubby still thinks I'm hot'  =0)  That didn't quite rhyme but close enough.

signed 'one' looking for a new song purple ladybug 

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It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.