Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 359 - 'one' of 149

Just dream'n, I'm only dream'n
holy cow! I just noticed that I have done a total of 149 posts...sheesh.  That's a lot of writing and a lot of reading friends and family have done...sheesh!

Well my friends it's been one year since my Cancer was found.  What a year it has been.  A year of self discovery and a whole new life for me and my family.  But I don't look at the past year and think of all the hospital visits, dr appts, drugs etc, etc, etc.  I look back and remember...

  • the numerous visits from my kids,
  • the long phone calls from my friends,
  • the 100's of hugs from my grand kids,
  • the new words from little ones when they can say 'I love you gramma',
  • the meals and goodies that have arrived at my door,
  • the numerous packages that arrived all at once,
  • my new chauffeur that is as handsome as can be,
  • the wonderful artwork from my grand kids that still adorn my walls
  • the building of a general store and city hall in my yard
  • the son-in-law that told me I was a good gramma
  • the doggie that has not left my side
  • the hubby that learned how to cook and clean
  • the wig that arrived at my door from a family friend that was exactly like my hair
  • the little scottie dog ornament I received from an amazing friend that is still is kept safely in my purse
  • An old stone church we found
  • and so much more!
It has not been a year of sadness, it has been a year where I've learned so much it's mind boggling.  I've learned about myself, my family, my friends and then there's the whole Cancer community. 

On Thursday I had my monthly dr. appointment.  She's so great, I know, I know, I've said that before.  She walked in and said 'Boy do you look good, considering all the drugs we are pumping into you'.  We were all laughing and smiling at that one.  We talked about the steroids I'm taking and the side effects of my new gruffy voice.  She actually said I may not get my old voice back, now that was a surprise.  Perhaps it's time for me to learn how to sing with my new voice I might sound better! LOL Steroids are used as the catch all drug in the Cancer community, it's a anti-inflammatory, helps to increase your appetite and helps with nausea.  I thought it just gave a person muscles, mind you I haven't seen them show up on me! LOL

My handsome chauffeur
My CT scan is scheduled for early August and we will find out if the new protocol I'm doing is working.  My blood tests showed my platelets are steady so chemo can go ahead for Monday.  My CEA marker unfortunately still seems to be going up, I am now at 33 where 6 months ago I was around 4.  My CT scan will tell us definitively if things are working though. 

So there you have it, one year, one dr appt, one gruffy voice and one more chemo session Monday.  Now that's a whole lot of ones!  I wish for you today that you know how much 'one' person cares about you.  Remember that each person shows they care for you in different ways.  It may not be an 'in your face' kinda way, but they do care.  Have a terrific day and keep smiling!

signed 'one' year old purple ladybug

1 comment:

It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.