I'd like you to meet the mosquito. He is every one's favorite insect. They buzz around your head waiting to pounce on that open area of skin, hold on tight and then wham, bam and thank you mame they suck the blood right out of you. What are you left with? A small or big bump and a whole lot of itchy itchies.
But what can you say for a mosquito that makes the mistake of sucking out my blood! ah ha...
take that you sucker! Imagine the shock of mr. mosquito has he was sucking out the blood from my hand the other day and found it NOT to have the usual flavor. Yep, chemo flavor it was.
take that you sucker! Imagine the shock of mr. mosquito has he was sucking out the blood from my hand the other day and found it NOT to have the usual flavor. Yep, chemo flavor it was.
I wonder what his side effects will be? I wonder if he will have down days like me? I wonder if his legs will get wobbly and the muscles in his body will start to quiver. I'm thinking that he got more in that one suck than I have had in the last 5 sessions. I wonder perhaps if he is now cancer free! LOL Perhaps he will go to the mosquito dr. to find out why all these weird things are happening to him.
Perhaps and of course I hope this one is for certain, he sucked out some blood from me, said 'oh sh_t' and keeled over and died! Yep that's what I'm hoping.
I wonder if it will cause a stir in the mosquito community when I go camping and they start dropping like flies after they bite me. Yeah go ahead you wonderful mosquito's 'bite me' I dare you! Ahhhh 'a secret weapon' I am...wouldn't you love me to come to your neighbourhood and wipe out your mosquito population?
And as Mr. Rogers would sing...
It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood, a beautiful day in the neighbourhood
won't you bite me? come on and bite me?
It's a beautiful day in this neighbourhood, a neighbourly day in this neighbourhood
didn't I taste good? didn't I taste good?
Won't you be my neighbour?
Gee, do you think I'm feeling better? Yep I is, I is!
signed 'one' mosquito killing purple ladybug
I think they slipped a little extra sumthin' in your mix last time!! LOL....Enjoy the times....more fun comin' for sure, for you, and everyone around you! Funny stuff sista!