on another project today. It's been a couple months in my brain. But I've approached this one differently than any other crazy idea I've dreamed up. My priority list includes keeping my morning routine of journalling, exercising and reading. Then it will not interfere with time with my family and of course my treatments. I will be able to do it at home, when I'm feeling up to it and it will not cause me any stress. Also it will allow me to have total control and help others who have cancer, at least I can hope. High expectations eh? I thought having all those limitations would make it impossible to create. But having those priorities in the forefront of my mind has created something that will work for me and those around me.
I still have a couple months of prepping to do but I will let you know when everything is done...
It's not something that's really exciting for anyone else but it allows me to help others and still keep that wonderful list of priorities in check. Anything is doable with patience, focus and a clear vision, I'm learning that.
It's not something that's really exciting for anyone else but it allows me to help others and still keep that wonderful list of priorities in check. Anything is doable with patience, focus and a clear vision, I'm learning that.
blah, blah, blah...don't you love it when I talk in riddles? It's been a great day. My migraine has not returned, yeah! My hubby is on 2 weeks of holidays, yeah! Got a call from an old friend who is going through this wonderful cancer journey like me, yeah! It's amazing through all this fun stuff which people decide to show up and those that decide to disappear, it's NEVER what you expect for sure.
We went and got new cell phones today, mine was around 10 years old so getting a smart phone will hopefully balance off the current 'smart' I'm missing from my brain, LOL.
Today also has been a little sad. I've heard many stories of so much tragedy in people's lives. No one seems immune to it. I really am shocked at how being worried about money when we were young seemed to be such a stress. Little did I know that there is so much more to be worried about. Or in fact there are so many things we shouldn't worry about and can't do anything about. Money means nothing without health.
Most of the time life will take us on that roller coaster ride and we just hang on till the ride comes to a stop or at least when it comes to a slight pause and then we are off and riding the crazy tracks again. With each curve and dip we change usually for the better but not always. But with each change we will adjust our life to respond to the stress and demands that life brings upon us or we put on ourselves.
The next time you look in the mirror at that wonderful mug of yours, smile and realize how strong you are and know that with all my heart I wish you the opportunity to feel loved and that each day you will find renewed energy and the ability to ride life's roller coasters with grace and a strength that you didn't know you had. Hang on tight...here comes that tight curve!
signed 'one' getting stronger purple ladybug
How would you hear a lot of tragic stories if you didn't put yourself in the position to hear them? Be careful, getting involved with others is powerful, not all of it good sometimes! Hugs from Papa CareBear