Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black and white. What happened to gray?

We all at sometime fall mindlessly into black and white thinking.  It makes us feel better, more secure, but it is also hugely blinding.  This is good.  This is bad.  This is right.  That is wrong.  We are strong.  They are weak.  We are smart, they are not.  She's a peach. He's a pain.  I'm a wreck. They are nuts.  He'll never grow out of it.  She's so insensitive.  I'll never be able to do this.  It's unstoppable.

All of these statements are thoughts...
 and they tend to be limiting, even if they are partly true.  Because for the most part, things in the real world are only true to a degree, Yes 'A' degree! There is no such thing as a tall person.  One is only tall to a degree.  No such thing as a smart person.  One is only smart to a degree.  But when we fall into such thinking, to be rigid, confining, and inevitabley, at least partly wrong.

Apples can be red, green, or yellow.  But if you look closely, they are only red, or green, or yellow to a degree.  Sometime there are bigger or smaller splotches or specks of the other colors mixed in.  So to come to our senses, perhaps we need to develop and learn to trust our ability to see beneath the surface of appearance to the reality. In reality there is an infinite shade of gray between all-white and all-black, all-good or all-bad.

What's this all about you ask?  I have found that people make judgements about why someone has cancer.  They need to find a reason why you have cancer because it means that they won't get it.  And thats OK.  I've done it myself when I've heard of others with cancer.  Somehow it makes you feel better that someone 'did' something to get cancer.  They worked too hard. They had too much stress in their life.  They didn't feed themselves right.  Because to actually think that there is no rhyme or reason for this disease is just thinking too far out of the box.  There MUST be a reason.  Right now no one really knows, because if they did there would be a cure.  A cure is coming, you can feel it.  All the new innovative therapies that are coming out are mind boggling. 

In the next few years the changes in the cancer treatment protocols will be amazing.  We all need to believe that and you've heard the saying...believe it and it will happen.  So believe it! For your friends, for your family, for all those who are fighting this disease...BELIEVE in that 'one' cure for everyone.

signed 'one' purple ladybug searching for the grays in life.  There's way too much black and white out there already.


  1. That was very diplomatic. I personally have issue with black and white as try to be as grey as possible and am always open to a new shade.

    Well said.

  2. Very well said.
    Nothing is absolute. But we do really love to label one another.

  3. Even I was inclined to blame the cancer on myself. What could I have done to prevent it? (I watch too much Dr Oz) But since I got the genetic testing I have an excuse, I have the genes!

    And yes, no one wants to get cancer or believe they can, so they just say you must have done something wrong. WRONG! Even Dr Oz, with his perfect vegetarian diet, was brought down to earth by a pre-cancerous polyp in his colon. Cancer sometimes just happens! Others are just lucky, or have something else to worry about.

    I am starting to think that God gives it only to the strong!


It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.