Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

'One' interesting a good way.

The following is a summary of a forum we attended.  Please don't take this as our opinion but just information that we are passing along to you. ;-)  FYI - disclaimer

Today Ray and I attended a Cancer Forum sponsored by the BC Cancer Agency at the swanky Westin Bayshore. We were anticipating lots of books for sale and info booths...there was nothing like that.  I thought there would be lots of wigs and baldy's...
there was nothing like that. There were information booths by the BC Cancer Society on specific types of cancer [no colon, which was interesting], clinical trials, CAMEO project and a display showing their library. 

We decided to go to '2' of the '6' forum sessions that were available and we were relieved to learn that any we did not attend would be available by video on the BC Cancer Agency website soon.  Usually you have to pay to go to any type of conference, there was no charge and there won't be any charge to see the videos of the sessions we missed.  Imagine charge. 

What did we learn? That we are doing 'almost' everything we can to combat this disease. 

In one session they discussed the new findings regarding the healthy cells within a tumor are now being looked at as the most important part of a tumor.  It was discovered that the healthy cells within the tumor can slow or stop the progression of cancer.  Perhaps even cure the cancer.  Then the question becomes how can a person ensure their cells are the healthiest they can be to help fight cancer? The most helpful thing that can be done is to improve your immune system by decreasing the chronic inflammation within your body to have a better chance of survival or reducing the cancer cells.  There is a direct relationship between chronic inflammation in your body and cancer growing.

What they said is that the following things increase the inflammation within your body...
  • stress
  • charred meat
  • refined sugar
  • inactivity
  • red meat
  • transfats
  • alcohol
  • obesity
  • smoking
What decreases the inflammation within your body...
  • relaxation and joy
  • fruit and vegetables
  • whole grains
  • Omega 3 fatty acids - includes fish, fish oil, flax seeds, hemp seeds
  • exercising
  • vitamin D
  • Green tea
Another interesting item they noted was don't put anything on your skin that you wouldn't eat.  Yuck..can't imagine eating any of my cosmetics or face creams.  Barf for sure. 

Vitamin D is definately becoming a popular 'new' thing for those looking to prevent cancer. They recommend 2000 to 3000 IU per day.  Here in Vancouver we don't get enough sun to allow us to get the vitamin D recommended.

So what does all this mean to me? I need to increase my Omega '3' fatty acid and my vitamin D intake.  Otherwise I'm meditating, exercising, whole foods/plant based diet, tons of fruits and vegys, no red meat, wheat grass and getting lots of love from family and friends.  Above all the things they said you MUST surround yourself with loving family and friends and that no drug or food can accomplish the benefits of that. 

Sorry its a rather clinical post but I wanted to let others learn what I have learned today. 

Yep...I had 'one' interesting day.  signed one 'I can't stand the smell of wheat grass' purple ladybug. 


  1. Sounds like a really great day! I'm sure we'll chat more about the omega 3's and vit D since that is one of my favourite topics! I know how great they are for us but I am looking forward to hearing even more details about their roles in fighting cancer. I am such a geek but thankfully you all love me for it... :P

    We need to get you some aloe can definitely eat that and wear it!!! ;)

    And of course, I love the picture!! We both look so happy and full of Thanksgiving turkey.

  2. Thanks Vicki, very informative. I have been taking my required dose of vitamin D for almost a year now and it I have noticed a difference. Currently working on a combo of Omegas as I'm not getting the amount I think I need from my daily hemp. The skin thing is new though. Not sure how I'm going to swing that as I have been using a sunscreen on my face for over 20 years. I am not aware of a sunscreen you can eat. So open for suggestions.

  3. Very interesting info. Thanks for posting it. I also have become a disciple of Omega 3. Started focusing on them a lot more when you became ill. I'm now taking a Fish Oil supplement daily to increase my Omega 3 intake.

  4. Thanks again for the "kick in the butt" reminder.
    Stress, the hardest part to deal with. Find it near impossible. All the rest is constantly in the works. Love ya.


It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.