Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 347 - 'one' powerful sense

enjoying the craziness of when we all get together
That's what a touch can do.  I thought about it yesterday when we had a chemo nurse for the second time.  She actually was the individual that gave me my first chemo session in my port.  I noticed the first time we had her that she liked to get really close and actually touch her knees to mine.  No...
it's NOT what you are thinking.  It helped me trust her.  That she wasn't afraid to get as close as she needed to do my treatment.

And then I thought about it today as I was petting my Dudley with his soft newly cut hair.  It felt so good just to touch the softness and to show him that I like him.  I love to hold hands with my hubby, to put my arm through his when we go for a walk.  And who doesn't smile when we see an elderly couple holding hands as they walk down the street or on the beach. 

hugger in training
Yesterday I needed the touch of my hubby to move from one area to another.  My legs were cramping quite a bit and when I got up from sitting or lying down I could not trust them to keep my vertical, they felt like rubber.  I thought today perhaps I shall get a walker to have close in case I need it but there is no way I will now.  Cause my hubby was right there to let me lean on him and have his arm around me to keep me up.  I enjoyed the touch and the feeling of knowing he was there.  No walker can do that I tell you.  Today is good though, so thank goodness it seems to be a one day thing.  I will mention it to my nurses and to my dr. next week and they will let me know if this is usual or something they can rectify by adjusting my protocol.

A touch means that we care but so much more.  The hug is a new thing for me.  Unfortunately as a child a hug meant other things and love was not one of them.  So unfortunately my kids suffered from the childhood feeling that hugging gave me a bad feeling and that is something I never wanted my kids to feel.  Little did I know it would be my kids that would show me that hugging was a wonderful thing. 

the snuggle of a sleepy it!
In our family as adults we hug each other more than we ever have.  It's the blessing of my girls that gave me the faith in people, that I could trust people.  Kids do so much to our world it's unimaginable what they have taught me.  I may have given them life but gave me a better life than I ever could imagine.  They showed me love, caring and trust was something that was easy.

I still have trust issues and I definitely trust my instincts on whether I get a good feeling from a touch than a bad.  So trust your touch, enjoy the feeling of what it can bring.  And please when you want to show someone you care, let them a touch, a hug, or even words.  Who knows if you will get the chance again, take the opportunities when you can.  What is it...'reach out and touch someone', even if its just your doggie or kittie and enjoy the feeling of the touch.

signed 'one' huggy purple ladybug

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It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.