Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 348 - 'one' choice or the other

I wonder why a negative attitude is shown more acceptable in todays society?  The other day I was sitting contemplating the feeling of negativeness that surrounds us when we are out in the world.  Perhaps it's just that I notice it more...perhaps it's because when I say good things about people they don't know how to respond.  I am not perfect, yes I get frustrated with people sometimes and the way they act.  But it's so sad that I see the negative emotions and comments are the norm and people are liked and accepted more when they complain, put down others and it is laughed at and enjoyed by others.  Why is it that...
  • It is 'in' to be miserable towards others than say something nice
  • It is 'in' to swear than to say positive things
  • It is more 'in' to be busy than balanced
  • It is more 'in' to be stressed than relaxed and enjoying life
  • It is more 'in' to have many things instead of many kids
  • It is more 'in' to make fun of people than build them up
  • It is more 'in' to follow society blindly than to lead or challenge the norm
  • It is more 'in' to be sad than glad
and that's just a start.  I feel sad about the unacceptability of a positive outlook on life, family, friends and the how easy it is for people to find fault in others.  Is it that we are all so insecure that we need to put down others to feel good about our own choices in life?  To convince ourselves that we are right and another way is wrong if its different from they way we think things should be. Or perhaps it's just easier to say negative things about people than good things?

There is no way we can imagine what it is like to walk in anothers shoes.  Their experiences in life that have molded them from baby to adulthood.  We all have choices and we all have a story to tell.  But how we react to the things that happen in our life molds us into what we are as adults.  As adults we should know better, we should know what is right from wrong.  I'm sorry it's just not right to condemn others for different choices than ours, or different choices that the what is the norm in today's society.

I hope there is a shift happening.  When I hear about the volunteers that went down and cleaned up Vancouver.  When I hear of communities getting to together and cleaning up towns.  When people are buying local and supporting local businesses and farmers.  When I watch shows where 'rich' people are give their own $ to help non profits making a difference in the poverty stricken areas of a city.  I am hopeful and hope can be contagious! It really can. 

So my hope for my tomorrow is kind words become the norm.  Encouraging comments become common place.  That people are no longer shocked when you smile and say 'good morning' or 'hi'.  That I can make someone laugh or smile and they pass that along to the next person they see or talk to.  Yes I would love an epidemic of laughter, kindness and general respect for our fellow man. 

Yep, I'm dream'n I know, but that's what this 'one' purple ladybug does best when she's got too much time on her hands.  What are your hopes for tomorrow?

signed 'one' optimistic purple ladybug


  1. My hopes are that many more people will get an opportunity to know and read and hear your wisdom. You continue to invoke thoughts of a wish for a better place for everyone to enjoy. It can be contagious and you can be the leader. I'll be ridin' shotgun. Hugs, Papa Bear

  2. You can only control the choices that you make, and I can tell from what you've written that you're doing that. It can be hard when we look at this world... So I find the only thing we can do is to make our own world shine, and have it illuminate the world's of others. :)
    Thanks for lighting mine today!


It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.