Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why do we wait?

the smiles that ice makers can bring LOL
 I wondered that today? Why do we wait until life gives you a butt kicking before you change things.  Change things to the way you think they should be, could be, must be.  Why do we wait...
 What changes? The thought that now you only have a certain amount of time makes you change everything.  I wish not.  I wish that we do in our life everything we want to everyday. 

We are sooo influenced by other people.  Other people's thoughts, opinions, views, insights.  I have been criticized at times for 'allowing' my hubby to have pinball machines in my livingroom, old cars in the driveway, computers in the dining room.  But to me, and you've heard this before a house is meant to be lived in.  And that means different things to different people.  It's just we need to learn how to respect others perceptions of what their life should be. 

I love mayhem!
Sorry about the downer writing but the last few days I've heard the 'C' word a lot in my brain.  Between not feeling very well for a bit and possibly being faced with a trip to the hospital, visiting a very strong friend in the hospital fighting the 'C', and then watching a show about someone doing the same thing.  For some silly reason you start re-analyzing everything.  Perhaps one needs to do this once and awhile to realize that you are very happy where you are, but oh the torturing we do to ourselves in the process.

What should I be doing? Am I doing the right things? Should I just go wild...Ray doesn't like that one! LOL  Its all about perception, yours, others, society etc. 

So what is your perception of your world? Do you have those around you that support your perception? Do you respect those that don't have the same view of how they run their lives as yours.  How many times have you changed your world to match the changing perception of how you think it should be.  How many more times will you change it and why.  We just can't seem to let things be.  Go with the flow...let your brain rest and enjoy today and your life as it is. 

Cool hat Grampa!
 Someone reminded me about a new commercial on TV now.  A husband gives a gift of a new vehicle and just as they are celebrating it another fancier car [a least that the perception they want you to see]drives past and the celebrating stops.  You can now see the envy on their faces. Are you kidding me? Is this not playing on the 'no matter what you do, it's not go enough' feeling that we live with today.  So what would happen if we just stopped trying to buy better than what we have.  Well the economy would go for a kerplunk that's for sure.  Would we be happier or not? 

It's those type of questions I like to ask myself once and awhile to make sure that I am confident about who I am and the life that I have.  But really all I need to do is come home[notice I said home not house], visit friends, visit family and get hugs from my girls and grandkids...that's what tells me that I am confident about who I am and the life I live.  Not my house, not my car, not my clothes, not my hair.  It's the people that surround me and how I feel when I am with them. Yes, we get a short high from getting new bigger and better things but to get a true life long high it's from those would you care about and who care about you.

Well enough of that 'thinking' is good, wonderful, terrific and I LOVE my life.  I hope you can learn to love your life...don't wait until life kicks you in the butt! Cause I may come and kick you in the butt first! LOL

signed 'one' simple purple ladybug, well maybe not so simple =0) 

1 comment:

It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.