Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What do ya do when...

ya don't feel like do'in anything.  It's been this way for a week now, so frustrating! My hubby has been pull'n up the reins around here quite a bit to say the least.

But really what do you do when you want to do something and it seems like your body says otherwise.  My aches and pains are so minor compared to those with MS etc, but it seems so psychological the ability to feel go about yourself when things change soooo much.  

Today my daughter and grandkids tried some wheat grass juice and we talked about how it can be such a psychological thing to drink it.  It's green which is not in our usual choices of juices, then there's the smell and actually drinking it.  The power of the mind.

I anticipate that what is happening is I need to change the 'to do' list to things that are possible.  The question is what is possible right now.  Yes, I can type, sleep, eat, whine, read, play games LOL  But perhaps I am meant to resist all temptation to change my to do list and just forge on.  The answer right now I'm not sure of.  Which fork in the road does a person take, the easy road or the one less travelled.  I have been the one that takes the road less travelled but is that my destiny.  Ahhhh so many questions when the brain works and the body fights it.

Today was a day of watching...watching little ones enthralled in opening presents, watching them as they anxiously shared their gifts with each other.  The simple joy of playing peek a boo can bring such shrills to a little one.  The licking of fingers from amazing cupcakes and the little hands enjoying such thoughtful gift bags.  Yep, you got it I'm still smiling.  Oh and lets not forget the laughter from big and little vocal chords, that's what memories are made of.   It was our first multiple birthday party and we all plan a couple more this year, woohoo!

For now brain rest, I will let my body dictate the day and enjoy the sights that surround me and the blessings that are in my amazing life!

signed 'one' pooped purple ladybug

1 comment:

  1. love the was a great day, almost like Christmas!


It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.