Never Underestimate The Power of 'One'

Purple Ladybug (that's me) believes in the strong power of 'ONE' person, one smile, one hug or ? All it takes is 'ONE' thing to happen during your day to change the way you feel, it may be amazing or even heartbreaking. We face many 'ONE's each and every day, so join me as I take my future 'ONE' day at a time and write about my journey as a cancer conquerer and the 'ONE's in my daily life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 390 - 'one' less nut

Ever feel like you've smacked into a wall?
yep that's right, but really it's that I can't eat nuts in general.  I stopped eating nuts about 3 months ago because it was giving me digestion pain in my tummy.  Well I thought I would give them a try last night and as you guessed, yep, nuts aint's for me.  Don't you love my english?  Good thing my grandkids don't read this.  Mind you they listen to me talk and realize that their grammer ain't good with her grammer! LOL

Teeny Weeny Marion
Yesterday was a good day..
.  My energy is pretty good this round and definitely better than the last round.  I'm not sure if it's the food I'm eating or my body adjusting to all these wonderful chemicals invading my body.  Who knows but it's a great feeling anyhow.  I still ponder the idea that I might be getting a whole new routine in a few weeks but I try not to think about it too much because what-will-be will be and I, no, we will make the decisions when we get to them and perhaps the decision will be made for me when the tests come back showing my tumour as normal or abnormal.  So needless to say worrying about it will not change anything but only bring stress on my brain and body that I surely don't need.

Old man hard at work?
I'm working on videos for my project here and there. I've done 5 now and my goal is for 10 by the end of August so I think I've made a doable goal.  Still pondering other ideas that have come into my head to expand the project but I am determined to get what I have planned for up and running well before I sabotage my objectives with too many things and ideas to work on.  Besides I have a hubby that holding me accountable to the 'take care of yourself' first goals I have.  Everyone knows how good he is at telling me 'no!' [so tell me, is the explanation point supposed to come before or after the quotes?] ;-)

Itsy bitsy teeney weeny Jacob!
My gizmo comes off today, woohoo!  I might take a video of that but I have to figure out how to keep the X rated parts out of it, no one wants to see OLD lady boob for sure!  Don't cringe too much.

I hope you find time today to go outside and sit under a tree or in a chair and look, listen and hear the wonderful sounds around you.  The birds, the tree branches rustling around you, the silence that surrounds you and the great life we have to be able to just enjoy our Canada.  I love it!  Don't take today for grantit.

signed 'one' less nutty purple ladybug

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It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey.