that's what you might have. Let's say just for debate that you were unable to do the one thing that you think is the most important activity you do during the day. Now I'm not talking about people, I'm talking about an activity. What is the activity that you would have to do no matter what each day?
Is it cleaning? A shower? Driving? having your coffee? Now let's say again that you suddenly lost your ability to be mobile and having the strength to do something was almost impossible. But what you do have is 10 minutes within your day to do what is most important to you. Yes, 10 minutes only. You do have enough strength to accomplish an activity for only 10 minutes once a day...
Which activity or task would you do? Which is the most important for your inner well being to get done?
Which activity or task would you do? Which is the most important for your inner well being to get done?
To get this activity done you need to adjust the way you usually do it. You need the help of someone else or perhaps a cane or some sort of gizmo assistance to accomplish the task. I found this question coming to my mind as I was writing in my journal this am.
I do hope that my lack of energy is due to my body trying to fight a virus or perhaps my platelets are really low and it is temporary. When it takes so much to do simple tasks, you really learn to prioritize the important things. Showering and eating are right up there for sure ;-) I was talking about my frustration about getting things done and someone suggested having a stool to sit on to prepare food. Imagine that! Sometimes we are so close to something we can't see the forest for the trees! So funny and yet so simple.
There is no right or wrong answer to the 10 minute question. There is no book that will give you the perfect answer, it can only be found within yourself and understanding what is most important to you. hmmmm - what would you do in that sole 10 minutes of time? Dig deep! You will learn something about yourself. I know I am!
signed 'one' 10 minute purple ladybug
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